Monday, July 12, 2010

Facing Obstacles to Health Care

In Texas, there are roughly 2.7 million individuals who have a disability of some kind.
That roughly 18.6 percent of the state’s population has conditions ranging from the physical to the intellectual or developmental. Paralysis, spina bifida, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders and more can create challenges for the individuals who have them.
Just as the rest of the population, though, these individuals need health care. In some cases, their health care needs may be greater than those without disabilities, but the health industry as a whole still has steps to take in order to better serve an increasing part of the population.
While physicians who specialize in certain areas may be more prepared to see individuals with certain disabilities — a rheumatologist may have an office more accommodating to arthritis patients than a general practitioner — the range of disabilities means not every doctor may know much about all the different kinds of disabilities.

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