Thursday, April 26, 2012

Defying the Odds

Hal and Lisa in their apartment.
LAWRENCE, Kan. -- Hal Schultz and Lisa Barcus sit patiently in their apartment. Hal has a big smile on his face as he answers every question with ease, jumping at the chance to elaborate on a story that comes to mind. Lisa sits across from him, reserved and shy. When I ask her a question, Hal encourages her to answer by gently saying, “You’ve got this one honey.” As Hal speaks with pride about how they met, Lisa sits back in her chair, carefully listening as he explains how their love blossomed.
Although Lisa and Hal’s love story is comparable to any couple, something sets them apart. Lisa, 31, was born with Down syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects the body and brain’s normal development, while Hal, 36, was born with the congenital disorder cerebral palsy, which impacts how the brain and nervous system function.

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